September 19, 2021

Poly Vagal Theory and the Vagus Nerve’s Role in Our Feelings of Safety

What is Poly Vagal Theory? New psychology research explores Poly Vagal Theory and the vagus nerve’s role in helping us to feel safe. Jill Miller described, “This is a way to be in conscious dialogue with our senses: the feelings, the urges, and the needs of your body.” Prior to […]
September 3, 2021
Strategies for Managing Burnout

Simple Strategies to Manage Burnout

What is Burnout? Burnout is characterised as a psychological syndrome that occurs in response to prolonged exposure to stress at work. Research shows that burnout can lead to mental and physical health complaints, increased use of alcohol and drugs, personal relationship difficulties, absenteeism, increased turnover and decreased work productivity. This […]
March 2, 2021
Managing Anxiety through Mindfulness

Managing Anxiety through Mindful Activity

Managing Anxiety through Mindful Activity What does a human have in common with a cow? Well, just like a cow chews their cud (called rumination) humans have a tendency to ruminate, but in a different way. Often our minds like to mull over topics, events, problems, conversations, past, present or […]
January 27, 2021
EMDR Treatment for Trauma

EMDR Treatment for Trauma

When we think about trauma, we tend to think about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) e.g. war, assault, family violence, natural disaster or motor vehicle accidents. Many clients who present with anxiety or depression (and other mental health issues) at our clinic have been affected by disturbing life experiences such as […]
October 21, 2020
10 Tips for Mental Well-Being

10 Tips for Mental Well-Being

Our modern-day life can certainly be challenging with many demands on our time, attention and energy and we can become overwhelmed. We may think we are not good enough in some way as we struggle to meet our own and others’ expectations. In the process, our mental wellbeing suffers. Mental […]
September 24, 2020
Climate change and cognitive biases

Climate Change and Cognitive Biases

This extended blog will review a brief history of climate change and how the evolution of the human mind works against us through cognitive biases, when we attempt to understand climate change science, and the change required to curb global warming. We will look at the training required of a […]