Social and Emotional Group Therapy Programs

Secret Agents Society (SAS)

Solving the mystery of social encounters for 6-to-11-year old’s

A fun, spy-themed group program that uses exciting games and activities to improve social skills and emotional understanding.

9 Weekly Sessions with 2 follow up boosters scheduled one month apart

90-minute child session
30-minute parent session


A social and emotional skill building group for 20–25-year-old NDIS Participants

Meet other young men and women, build connections, boost confidence, learn new social skills in a safe environment and have fun along the way!

10 Weekly Sessions

Take Action

An anxiety management program for 7-12 year old’s

Evidence-based intervention where children and their parents are supported to face their anxieties, learn to overcome phobias, fears, and worries.

10 Weekly Sessions
90 minutes with the child
30 minutes with the parent


Teen Social Skills Development Group for 12-15 year old’s

Learn and practice essential social skills such as starting and ending conversations, choosing friends, online safety, social media and phone etiquette, handling bullying, managing disagreements, relationships, personal hygiene, first jobs, and support after school finishes!

The program is over 14 weeks.


Critical skill building for 15 to 19 years old’s

Helping young women understand body image and self-care, healthy boundary setting, harness the power that beliefs and expectations have over attitudes and behaviour!

10 Fortnightly Sessions


Social Group for males 15-19 years old

A supportive space to tackle challenges related to motivation, friendships, online safety, life skills, and mental well-being. Through guided discussions and activities, we help young men develop resilience, build meaningful connections, and thrive in their personal and social lives!

10 Fortnightly Sessions

Girl Talk

Girl Talk is for 9–12-year-old girls who are approaching puberty

These one-day workshops combine the best elements of group therapy with an age-appropriate curriculum that teaches young women critical skills relating to communication, self-reflection and conflict resolution leading to improved self-esteem!

5 Hour Workshop


LEGO® Based Therapy for children aged 8-14 years old

Interact, learn and practice social skills, develop social communication skills and make friends whilst having fun.

Tackle a lego project where team work is required to complete the project.

3 Hour Workshop>