“It feels like I’m going to die. My heart is jumping out of my chest and I can’t breathe properly. I feel shakey and sick. I don’t know what’s happening to me. It’s the most terrifying thing. I don’t know if or when it’s going to stop!”
If you are suffering panic attacks, you are not alone! At least 5% of the population have experienced panic attacks. There may be many more people who never tell anyone about their attacks. This blog is sharing some good news!
Are you experiencing episodes of intense fear where all of a sudden you feel the need to get the freak out of here? Find yourself looking for the nearest exit? Avoiding crowded places? Or maybe you’ve started to fear for your health? Chances are you could be experiencing panic attacks. In this blog, you will find a comprehensive list of panic attack symptoms and information on why our body produces these symptoms.
Once you have made a decision that you want to see a psychologist, how do you find a “good” one? In this blog, we provide you with 3 hot tips on where to search for a psychologist and importantly, information on psychoogy credentialling so you can check if you are seeing a qualified psychologist.
Well let’s get a couple of the myths out of the way - we don’t read people’s minds and personally, I don’t ask my clients to lie on a couch. This blog will explain what a psychologist is, what they do, and provide thought provoking questions to help you decide if you should see one or not.
Do you consider yourself to be a “worry wart”, do you spend a lot of time thinking “what if?” or maybe you’ve noticed that you worry about things that may not ever happen?