
December 1, 2022
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and commitment therapy, referred and abbreviated to ACT, is an action-oriented approach to psychotherapy. ACT receives its name from the core message: accept what is out of our control and commit to improving our lives through actions. ACT helps us embrace our thoughts and feelings, rather than feeling guilty, […]
March 16, 2022
Depression Help Brisbane

Depression Help Brisbane

Our Brisbane clinic has had several enquiries about receiving help with managing depression. Depression is a complex mental health condition that effects a person’s mood. Firstly, it can leave them feeling hopeless and sad. Depression can make you feel down most days and lose pleasure in activities you previously enjoyed. […]
March 2, 2021
Managing Anxiety through Mindfulness

Managing Anxiety through Mindful Activity

Managing Anxiety through Mindful Activity What does a human have in common with a cow? Well, just like a cow chews their cud (called rumination) humans have a tendency to ruminate, but in a different way. Often our minds like to mull over topics, events, problems, conversations, past, present or […]
April 25, 2014
5 Tips for Mindful Parenting

5 Tips for Mindful Parenting

“Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered” Dr Suess In the ideal world how do you want your child to remember you? What you have been to them in their life and what you have stood for as a person? Parenting mindfully helps […]
October 15, 2013

What is Mindfulness – An Introduction to Mindfulness Practice

How often do you find yourself reading a whole page only to find you have taken nothing in? Or sending an email then wondering what you had written or if you had sent it to the right people? Ever realised you have already eaten your lunch as you take your last bite? If so, chances are that you could be: