
May 26, 2023
The Art of Balanced Discipline: Strategies for Effective Parenting without Power Struggles

The Art of Balanced Discipline: Strategies for Effective Parenting without Power Struggles

Discipline is an essential aspect of parenting, as it helps children understand boundaries, develop self-control, and learn appropriate behaviour. However, finding the right balance between setting limits and maintaining a positive parent-child relationship can be challenging, to say the least! In this blog, we will explore the concept of balanced […]
May 17, 2023
From Tantrums to Tranquillity: Proven Techniques to Foster Resilience and Emotional Regulation in Your Child

Tantrums to Tranquillity: Proven Techniques to Foster Resilience and Emotional Regulation in Your Child

Whilst emotional regulation is not a skill we are born with – it is something we can be taught. Helping our kids self-regulate a wide range of emotions is among parents’ most important tasks. From Tantrums to Tranquillity, we will look into the proven techniques to foster resilience and emotional […]
April 19, 2023
Empathetic Parenting

Empathetic Parenting

Does empathetic parenting play a role in a child’s emotional development? Yes! Child and family psychologists have found that empathetic parenting plays a significant role in a child’s emotional development. By promoting emotional intelligence in children, parents can enhance their ability to understand and manage their own emotions, as well […]
April 11, 2023
The Power of Positive Parenting

The Power of Positive Parenting

Parenting can be a tough and often thankless job. From the moment we bring our children home from the hospital, we are faced with countless decisions and responsibilities that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and unsure of ourselves. However, as parents, we have the power to shape our children’s lives […]
October 5, 2022
7 C's of Resilience to Parenting

7 C’s of Resilience to Parenting

Building resilience – the ability to adapt well to trauma, tragedy, threats, and sources of stress – helps our children manage feelings of uncertainty and stress. However, teaching our children this resilience does not mean they can’t experience distress, or difficulty. The great news is your ability to help your […]
July 5, 2022
Parenting Styles and their effects

Parenting Styles

Parenting styles and their effects differ for each child. These styles can affect how children feel about themselves. There are four main parenting styles. These include permissive, neglectful, authoritative, and authoritarian. These are used in child psychology today based off Diana Baumrind’s research and work. Each of these styles has […]