Molly Robbins

March 2, 2021
Managing Anxiety through Mindfulness

Managing Anxiety through Mindful Activity

Managing Anxiety through Mindful Activity What does a human have in common with a cow? Well, just like a cow chews their cud (called rumination) humans have a tendency to ruminate, but in a different way. Often our minds like to mull over topics, events, problems, conversations, past, present or […]
November 9, 2019
CBT Treatment for Insomnia and Sleep Problems

Top 12 CBT Strategies for Insomnia

Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep or wake feeling like you haven’t rested at all? Chances are that you have experienced sleep problems at some stage in your life, often as a side effect of stress or other mental or physical complaints. For some sufferers relief isn’t in […]
September 12, 2017

Top 5 Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Described as the black dog, dark cloud, black hole or endless pit – depression is often depicted as an all-consuming emotional state that is unyielding to the sufferer.  A term bandied around by many, depression often accompanies judgement, stigma and shame rather than understanding, compassion and support.     Depression […]
December 13, 2016

Top 3 Relationship Problems and How to Fix Them

“Here we are again, arguing about the same issues. When will you listen to what I’m saying? You never understand my point of view. I can’t do this anymore. If you’re not going to change we may as well end this now.”

October 7, 2016

How Long Do Panic Attacks Last

“It feels like I’m going to die. My heart is jumping out of my chest and I can’t breathe properly. I feel shakey and sick. I don’t know what’s happening to me. It’s the most terrifying thing. I don’t know if or when it’s going to stop!”