Happier Holidays with Positive Psychology: Practicing gratitude this holiday season

Happier Holidays with Positive Psychology: Practicing gratitude this holiday season

As the holiday season unfolds with its twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the scent of cinnamon wafting through the air, it serves as a poignant reminder to pause, reflect, and embrace the spirit of gratitude. In the hustle and bustle of gift-giving and celebrations, there’s a simple yet powerful practice that can elevate our joy and deepen our connections with loved ones – gratitude.

Counting Blessings, Not Presents: The true essence of the holiday season lies not in the material gifts exchanged but in the moments shared with friends and family. Take a moment each day to reflect on the blessings in your life, whether they be cherished relationships, good health, or meaningful experiences.

Gratitude Journaling

Create a special holiday gratitude journal where you jot down three things you’re thankful for each day. This practice not only helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life but also provides a heart-warming keepsake to revisit in the years to come.

Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar

Transform the traditional advent calendar into an “Acts of Kindness” calendar. Each day, challenge yourself to perform a small act of kindness for others – whether it’s a heartfelt note, a homemade treat, or a helping hand. Spreading joy to others is a beautiful way to cultivate gratitude.

Grateful Gathering

During holiday gatherings, create a gratitude circle where everyone shares a moment or person they’re grateful for. This not only fosters a sense of connection but also reminds everyone of the abundance of love and warmth surrounding them.

Nature Walks and Reflection

Take advantage of the crisp winter air and embark on nature walks. Use this time for mindful reflection, appreciating the beauty of the season and expressing gratitude for the wonders of the natural world.

Volunteer Opportunities

Engage in holiday volunteer opportunities within your community. Whether it’s serving meals at a local shelter or participating in a charity drive, giving back fosters gratitude and a sense of shared humanity.

Gratitude-themed Decor

Incorporate gratitude into your holiday decor by creating a “Gratitude Tree” or a display where family and friends can hang notes expressing what they’re thankful for. It adds a personal touch to your festive decorations.


In the midst of the holiday rush, taking intentional moments to practice gratitude can transform the season into a more meaningful and fulfilling experience. Embrace the warmth of thankfulness, share it with those around you, and let it be the guiding light that brightens not only your holiday season but also the days that follow.

We also need to remember that the holiday season doesn’t necessarily mean we should be feeling instantly fine. The holidays bring waves of stress, anxiety, unease and a feeling of loneliness if we do not have family or family, or if we cannot see them.

CBT Professionals is here for you. If you are struggling with large emotions over the Christmas time, reach out.

Coomera – (07) 5551 0251

Nerang – (07) 5668 3490

Mount Gravatt – (07) 3102 1366

If you, or someone you know, require help, please reach out to organisations like Beyond Blue.

Additionally reach out to these organisations that may be able to help.

  • ReachOut (youth mental health service) — online help
  • SANE Australia — call 1800 187 263
  • Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (MIFA) — call 1800 985 944
  • LifeLine 13 11 14 — for anyone in crisis

(Health Direct, 2020).

If this is an emergency, please contact 000 or visit your local emergency department.

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