The Transforming Power of Emotion: An Emotion Focused Approach
When: On-Demand Video Course
Time: 3h, 15m
Led by: Leslie Greenberg
This workshop will discuss the role of emotion and emotional awareness in function and dysfunction and methods of intervention to work with emotion in therapy. You will be introduced to the skills of moment by moment attunement to affect, and the use of two chair dialogue for working on self-criticism. You will learn through example videos and discussion.
During the first part of this workshop, you will learn evidence based methods for evoking and dealing with emotions of self-criticism through videotaped examples. You will also learn through discussion. The content will cover the role of emotional awareness where it can be both functional and dysfunctional. Sometimes when a patient has painful core emotions these can be stored in the amygdala, you will learn the importance of working through these emotions. You will also be introduced to the emotion-focused approach of process diagnosis to identify the different emotional processes at play within your clients and the different interventions which can be used to treat them. Finally, you will learn the six major principles of emotional change; emotion, awareness, expression, regulation, transformation and corrective experience.
There is a growing interest in how to work with emotion in psychotherapy. Different schools have developed different perspectives and different methods which were compared in a recent book (Greenberg, Thompson & Malberg, 2018). This part of the workshop will take a further step by offering a trans-diagnostic, trans-theoretical perspective to working with emotion. This is based on two main ideas:
Emotion is central in many forms of psychological dysfunction and its cure
Both acceptance and change of emotions are important in its cure, regardless of type of emotional disorder
This part of the course will using similar teaching strategies to explore an emotion focused approach to case formulation and the stages of emotion-focused therapy. You will be shown real examples of forgiveness and the letting go of emotional injuries in a therapeutic setting.
Cost - AUD $151.00 (Includes GST).
Registration – Click the ‘Register Now’ button to secure your ticket!
3 CPD/CE credits