Child Psychology

December 10, 2019
CBT Treatment of Childhood Anxiety

Treatment of Child Anxiety

Anxiety is a fear-based emotion that is experienced by all human beings, including children, just like every other emotion. Anxiety is an emotion that arises when we are scared of something and when we feel threathened in some way. Sometimes anxiety can be hepful in order to keep us safe, […]
August 27, 2019
8 Signs of Gaming Addiction in Children

Top 8 Signs of Gaming Addiction in Children

With an ever-growing multitude of platforms through which children can access online games – smartphones, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch – it can feel impossible to prevent children from spending hours in their rooms or sitting in front of the television. As well as being a fun way to pass the […]
August 16, 2019
How parents can reduce bullying

How Parents Can Reduce Bullying

As a parent you have two ways of reducing bullying. One is to encourage your child not to bully others. The other is to help your child deal with bullying effectively. Both of these actions lead to a positive outcome for your child. You want your child to be respected […]
August 13, 2019
How is ADHD diagnosed in children

How is ADHD Diagnosed in Children?

Let’s find out about this ‘disorder’ – What is ADHD? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Psychiatric Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) is often used to define the typical presentations of a child, adolescent, or adult whose behaviour suggests a diagnosis of ADHD. For the exact table, please refer to the […]
July 3, 2019
Treatment for Childhood Trauma

Treatment for Childhood Trauma

Treatment for Childhood Trauma What is Trauma? When I was studying to become a psychologist, I learned about a study called the Adverse Childhood Experiences study1 (or ACE’s), and it blew my mind, broke my heart, and lit my heart full of passion all at once. The study found that […]
January 10, 2017

What Does A Child Psychologist Do?

A child psychologist is a psychologist who has trained specifically to provide assessments and treatments for children experiencing behavioural, social, emotional (click here to know signs of depression for children), or educational problems. They have specific knowledge about child development and childhood disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But what does a child psychologist do you might ask? This blog will give you a quick rundown on how a child psychologist works with little poppets and their families.