September 23, 2016

3 Ways to Find A Psychologist and How to Find a “Good” One

Once you have made a decision that you want to see a psychologist, how do you find a “good” one? In this blog, we provide you with 3 hot tips on where to search for a psychologist and importantly, information on psychoogy credentialling so you can check if you are seeing a qualified psychologist. 

September 16, 2016

What is a Psychologist and Should I See One?

Well let’s get a couple of the myths out of the way - we don’t read people’s minds and personally, I don’t ask my clients to lie on a couch. This blog will explain what a psychologist is, what they do, and provide thought provoking questions to help you decide if you should see one or not.

September 9, 2016

7 Tips on What to Do When You Worry Too Much

Do you consider yourself to be a “worry wart”, do you spend a lot of time thinking “what if?” or maybe you’ve noticed that you worry about things that may not ever happen?

July 22, 2016

Psychologist Gold Coast – Professional Supportive Care

Looking for a Gold Coast psychologist  who can deliver life-changing results? Look no further than CBT Professionals - your local team of caring Psychologists on the Gold Coast. We stand against the practice of generic treatments and know that every case is unique and needs our best care and attention, and so when you visit one of our Gold Coast Psychologists, we will craft you an individualised treatment plan specific to your situation and your individual needs and goals.

April 25, 2014
5 Tips for Mindful Parenting

5 Tips for Mindful Parenting

“Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered” Dr Suess In the ideal world how do you want your child to remember you? What you have been to them in their life and what you have stood for as a person? Parenting mindfully helps […]
October 28, 2013

Improve Wellbeing with Helpful Thinking – All about the “C” in CBT

An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most thoroughly researched approaches to psychological treatment. A search for CBT in Google Scholar returns almost 1 million results. What we know from all of this research is that for most people, CBT will be helpful […]